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Security certificate error message

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My mum has just got a v6 box and is unable to view any apps she gets a security certificate message.  Scrolling through all the boards I see a number of people had this issue about 3 weeks ago.  Anyone got any ideas on how to fix? 

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Getting a message that the security certificate error message on apps tried amazon prime, itvx bbc, chanel 4


. On demand works ok

Exactly the same for me, channel4, ITV, BBC, Amazon Prime, Youtube. Trying to use the app just get a security warning message. I have a v6 box. 

Same here too, will update to let ppl here know if it fixes itself at any point. No apps working at all, On Demand working fine.

Same thing here, will keep retrying until something changes. 

Same thing here too.

I'm having the same problem, just started a few hours ago (approx 0230). I get the security service message even when trying Virgin Media Store and the Help from on screen Help & Settings menu. I have a Hub 3.0

Can you access the Help pages from the Home, Help & Settings Menu?

Yes we also see similar message on all apps except Netflix

Which is strange we too have a V6 box

ive not seen this previously on the TV


Thank GOD im not the only one having this stupid problem. I broke down into sobs over it/srs