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How to get a complaint handled

On our wavelength

Good morning,

As my complaint has gone unanswered in the DM conversation I had with a VM staff member for over 2 weeks now, I am making this point public and asking any other customers to also join this thread with unanswered complaints.

All my DM conversations are screen shot, so I’m happy to share them with the team or the Ombudsman if you prefer. 

I look forward to hearing from a VM representative some day.



On our wavelength

Hi Chris, I’ve tried for over a week to get a reply on PM from your colleague who was dealing with my complaint, but I have had nothing.

I was assured I would have a call from a manager a week ago. Nothing.

I am escalating my complaint within Virgin Media and contacting the ombudsman also as this service level for my tv picture/sound and the complete lack of customer service now is not acceptable.


Apologies for the delays Chalky1313, we have asked the agent to respond as soon as they're available.



On our wavelength

I am also in the same situation, and have been left for 2 weeks now without any replies to my DM conversation I had with a staff member.

im presuming she has left and not passed the information on

On our wavelength

Good morning Virgin media.

3 emails, multiple messages on boards and still nothing. 

How do I get a manager to talk to me before I go to the newspapers or Ofcom?

thank you!

3 weeks Robert and still no reply from VM. Any danger of a reply from someone or do I go to Ofcom or the newspapers instead?

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

The only post I can find from your username regarding TV sound problems was in November 2022, that refers to TV360 but this post is now in the TiVo section?

What's the issue you're having, and which box do you have?

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Same problem, now with TiVo and still no-one at Virgin Media will speak to me or help.

I’ve passed the last year of messages, stress and hassle to the ombudsman today for them to investigate and deal with it as clearly Virgin Media don’t care about their customers as they won’t even respond on here anymore 

Utter shambles and should be disgusted in their own levels of service. Another email will be sent to the CEO as that actually got someone to call me 3 weeks ago, then radio silence again.

If I could get another broadband supplier I’d be gone, but we are stuck with the cowboys as no-one else is allowed to supply to our new build area 



Any danger of anyone talking to me Rob???? 

it’s only been 3 weeks since you last replied 

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@Chalky1313 wrote:

Same problem, now with TiVo and still no-one at Virgin Media will speak to me or help.

You posted previously about TV360, but you can't convert from that to either TiVo or V6.

Keeping adding to this thread has the opposite effect of "bumping".

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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