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Synology thru Hub3 via Draytek 2927

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My Synology NAS (latest fixes on DSM 7.2.1) reports 2 routers in my network and that prevents certain functions from working.  An example being getting a Certificate from Let's Encrypt - it fails whilst doing a network check.
Synology suggest set one of the routers to Bridge Mode.
SSH into the NAS and "traceroute" starts at (the Draytek 2927) then goes to which, I can only assume, is the VM Hub-3 before progressing into:
 sigl-core-<stuff>   at a  62.252.  address

The Hub3 is operating in Modem mode.  Login to and I can verify that. but I see nowhere in the menu where I can switch it to Bridge Mode.
My next port of call is switch it back to Router mode and maybe then I can set bridge mode.
Has anyone any experience of this and perhaps a successful way forward.
BTW, I can't set the Draytek to Bridge mode as it hosts multiple VLANs.
Any guidance greatly appreciated.


Alessandro Volta

modem mode is bridge mode the 10. is by VM gateway not by hub

if Synology NAS is doing a traceroute and thinking  2 routers are in the network then it is wrong

any problem you have are down to your router
