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Hi All,

I had a localised power cut the other day. Virgin media was affected. TV box is fine and my router is running, I can connect to the wifi on laptop and phone and everything is running fine. However, when I try to connect my Smart TV to the internet (via Cable) or Xbox Series X (via Wifi) thats where the problems begin. Xbox won't connect, neither will the Smart TV. Both of them see the network but won't allow connection to the internet. I have gone through the whole, power cycling routine, leaving them discounted for 5 minutes and plugging them all back together, reset the router a number of times but still no internet allowed. Does anyone have any thoughts? Do i need to log into the router and doing something wit the settings? and if so, why?




Alessandro Volta

The Smart TV appears to be working when taking programmes through the TV box; right?  It’s only the network connection that’s up the creek; right?

On that basis, it’s the wired connection between TV & Hub we must first focus on.  First question, what TV box do you have?  Is it one that has an Ethernet port and is that connected to the Hub?

This stuff is not always easy to diagnose without hands on!

Seph - ( DEFROCKED - My advice is at your risk)

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Also check the MAC filtering on the Hub, especially if you have ever used the VM Connect app to pause devices. 

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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