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House Alarm

Tuning in

Hi. On the 11th August 2023, my landline home phone will switch to the fibre network. My house alarm is currently connected to my landline phone so if my house alarm activates the alarm will phone my mobile to inform me of the activation. I believe I will lose this feature with the switchover. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can keep this feature which is know as Vo-Comn.



Accepted Solutions

Alessandro Volta

If your alarm system simply dials a number you programme into it and plays a pre-recorded message to notify you of an alarm activation (a voice dialler), then you need to ask VM to modify your phone wiring so that your existing extension sockets around your home (including the alarm) are linked to the new phone connection on the hub. VM should offer to do this free of charge.

With the new phone arrangement though, the VM landline may not work if the hub is offline for any reason. Under those circumstances your alarm would not be able to connect to your landline.

Some people can live with this limitation. Some have chosen to fit fail-over arrangements so if the landline is down the connection fails over to a mobile connection. Some people have chosen to convert their alarm to a mobile only connection (although modifying the alarm panel comes in varying degrees of expense to the customer).

Based on topics on here, alarm companies have not held back in trying to sell customers new alarm systems off the back of the VM phone changeover, if they think they can get away with it.

The default cut/paste answer for getting VM to rewire your phone extension sockets to the VM hub is ...

Ask VM (via the VM forum team on here, when they reply to this topic) to modify your home phone wiring so you can use your existing landline extension sockets via the phone connection from the VM hub.

VM should offer to do this free of charge for you as part of the switchover process.

Make sure they make modifications to your phone wiring so you can keep each piece of equipment in the same place (rather than the offer which sometimes crops up on here to move the hub to a different location)

Refer here

Do I need to book a technician visit?

You’ll need to book a free technician visit if...

  • You rely on your landline for accessibility needs or don’t have a mobile to make an emergency call – we’ll provide you with an Emergency Back Up Line so you’re always able to call emergency services.
  • You’ve got connected devices such as a burglar alarm linked to a control centre, use a telecare device, or have other phones connected to extension sockets. You’ll need to contact your provider and let them know about the switch if you have any of these to make sure they’re compatible with a fibre service.
  • The Hub and your home phone can’t be placed near each other.

See where this Helpful Answer was posted


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @Gazza101,

Thank you for your post and welcome back to our community forums. We're here to help.

I'm very sorry to hear that your house alarm may not be compatible following the forthcoming switchover. It'd be best to speak with the manufacturer of the alarm to see what they'd suggest as they may have a workaround.


Zach - Forum Team
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Alessandro Volta

If your alarm system simply dials a number you programme into it and plays a pre-recorded message to notify you of an alarm activation (a voice dialler), then you need to ask VM to modify your phone wiring so that your existing extension sockets around your home (including the alarm) are linked to the new phone connection on the hub. VM should offer to do this free of charge.

With the new phone arrangement though, the VM landline may not work if the hub is offline for any reason. Under those circumstances your alarm would not be able to connect to your landline.

Some people can live with this limitation. Some have chosen to fit fail-over arrangements so if the landline is down the connection fails over to a mobile connection. Some people have chosen to convert their alarm to a mobile only connection (although modifying the alarm panel comes in varying degrees of expense to the customer).

Based on topics on here, alarm companies have not held back in trying to sell customers new alarm systems off the back of the VM phone changeover, if they think they can get away with it.

The default cut/paste answer for getting VM to rewire your phone extension sockets to the VM hub is ...

Ask VM (via the VM forum team on here, when they reply to this topic) to modify your home phone wiring so you can use your existing landline extension sockets via the phone connection from the VM hub.

VM should offer to do this free of charge for you as part of the switchover process.

Make sure they make modifications to your phone wiring so you can keep each piece of equipment in the same place (rather than the offer which sometimes crops up on here to move the hub to a different location)

Refer here

Do I need to book a technician visit?

You’ll need to book a free technician visit if...

  • You rely on your landline for accessibility needs or don’t have a mobile to make an emergency call – we’ll provide you with an Emergency Back Up Line so you’re always able to call emergency services.
  • You’ve got connected devices such as a burglar alarm linked to a control centre, use a telecare device, or have other phones connected to extension sockets. You’ll need to contact your provider and let them know about the switch if you have any of these to make sure they’re compatible with a fibre service.
  • The Hub and your home phone can’t be placed near each other.

Hi Zack_R
Thanks for your reply. Can Virgin Media not modify my home phone wiring so I can use my existing landline extension sockets via the phone connection from the VM hub? That way the alarm system would continue to work. 


Hi @Gazza101,

The purpose of the switchover is that the landline service and the wiring that provides that service are being disconnected and discontinued, which is gradually happening across the country and with all providers. As such, connecting your alarm to that eventual non-service will impact its functionality.

As I advised earlier, it'd be best to speak with the manufacturer to the alarm to see if it will operate as intended via a 21CV service and if they need to do anything on their end to facilitate it being functional. If not, they may have a workaround.

If it's not compatible then any rewiring on our end won't provide a resolution.


Zach - Forum Team
New around here? To find out more about the Community Forums, take a look at our FAQs!

Alessandro Volta

The OP is requesting existing extension sockets in his home are linked to the VM hub, not linking the alarm to the outside world via the old telephone line.

The OP seems to be describing a voice dialler in the alarm, so it is no different than making a telephone call on the 21CV line.

If that's the case, it's a job for VM to do the usual thing of making the existing extension sockets in the home work on the 21CV line, not a job for the alarm company.

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hello Gazza101

Thanks again for your reply.

I can arrange for the existing sockets to be rewired for you.

If you don't mind, I will need to send you a private message to pass security, and get this booked in.
If you can check your logo at the  top right of your screen that would be great. 



Hi goslow

Many thanks for your help. You gave a perfect explanation to VM. Hopefully, the issue can be sorted now. 




Thanks for your time today Gazza101.

Its been a pleasure being able to get the rewire booked in for you.

If you need anything else at all, Just pop back this way.


Joining in


I have the same issue with the alarm set up. Can someone contact me to arrage for the existing sockets to be rewired?
