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What are you watching now?


I'm off to continue watching Marco Polo.... Now up to season 1 episode 4 on NetFlix  kos.gif

17,642 REPLIES 17,642

I am now off to watch on Amazon Prime Smiley Happy

Dark Shadows - Official Trailer #1 - Johnny Depp, Tim Burton Movie (2012) HD

Will someone please rename this forum as WHAT BUFFER SIX IS WATCHING , UPDATED HOURLY.

And does anyone else care

And has he programmed d a bot to input the updates, or is it his full time day job to keep us posted ?

@ cybmole   It's not a forum!  It's a thread, in chatter and you don't even have to read or look at it.Smiley Indifferent

It's just a buffer for all those who don't want to get obsessed with the questions, answers, puzzles, gripes and concerns of the day.

Being a **bleep** on the internet because you can. Typically unleashing one or more cynical or sarcastic remarks on an innocent by-stander, because it's the internet and, hey, you can.


@ cybmole   Thread hijacking is an attempt to change the original tittle of the thread


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