ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Netflix Account Renewal following VM contract renegotiation Thanks, .@Daniel_Et , You've reassured me that Virginmedia can offer exceptional levels of service. Regards John Re: Netflix Account Renewal following VM contract renegotiation Message sent to Daniel. John Re: Netflix Account Renewal following VM contract renegotiation Hi Daniel, I've just been advised that my Netflix Account has been cancelled (KMM120823028V37552L0KM). And there I was thinking that the situation was resolved. You couldn't give the computer a kick for me? Regards John Netflix Account Renewal following VM contract renegotiation Hi Guys, Back in August I renegotiated my contract with Virginmedia. This continued the Netflix account connection. However, for reasons that evaded me, I was asked to relink the VM and Netflix accounts. This was easier said than done. Having just had a second monthly charge of £10.99 extracted from my Bank Account, could you confirm :- The VM and Netflix accounts are correctly linked; and the £21.98 can be refunded? Thanks in advance John Re: Can't login to My Virgin Media to see bill - Error Code: FSB50 Steve, Have a look at the "Startup Apps" in Task Manager" for any likely culprits (compare to desktop?). Try disabling any potentials and reboot. They can always be re-enabled if there's no change. Hope this helps John Re: Can't login to My Virgin Media to see bill - Error Code: FSB50 I feel I must jump in and try and bring some perspective to this problem. Virginmedia provide an infrastructure for us all to use. 98-99% of the time it works fine. But Virginmedia's service is like a car. We all have one but do we blame the manufacturer if we crash it due to our error. Virginmedia provide the car (the broadband) yet we supply all manner of driver (software and devices). It creates a bit of a quagmire of hardware, software and network infrastructure. So, when we have a problem, what and whom is responsible? I had this problem (FSB50 Error). Virginmedia were pretty helpless in resolving this for me. Long story short, I tracked the problem down to some "Kamo" VPN software that had been installed by CCleaner. Removing this software resolved my issue. Was this Virginmedia's fault? No! Should Virginmedia know how to resolve it? No, we can't expect their support guys to know everything about everything! I am not affiliated to Virginmedia in any way, just a fellow user (and regular complainant). I just wanted to offer a potential solution and redress the balance. John Re: Can't login to My Virgin Media to see bill - Error Code: FSB50 Cheers, John. And thanks for encouraging me to delve into this issue a bit deeper. It's resolved quite a few niggles I was having on my rig. So much for internet security!! Regards John Re: Can't login to My Virgin Media to see bill - Error Code: FSB50 After a fair amount of to'ing and fro'ing, I had to do some intense soul-searching of my PC. I found the problem in a security software, KAMO, that is bundled with CCLEANER. Once this was removed, my problem disappeared. John Re: Can't login to My Virgin Media to see bill - Error Code: FSB50 I've already completed those steps. I've cleared all historic data, reset browsers, reinstalled browsers, tried incognito, repaired windows, run SFC and DISM, reset TCP stacks and flushed DNS. Everything but the big hammer! Regards Frustrated of Brighton 😉 Re: Can't login to My Virgin Media to see bill - Error Code: FSB50 Hi guys (and gals), Yes, the same symptoms are experienced on Edge and Firefox as well as Chrome. Although Firefox seemed a lot quicker to reach the FSB50 error. I still feel that I have gremlins in my PC, but other users are now experiencing the problem! Although, this doesn't appear to be a widespread "all user" issue. Let me know if I can provide any further details. I'm at home all the time so I'm only at the end of the phone........... Regards John