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how lomg for upgraded chanels to be added

On our wavelength

changed my package this morning, got rid of tnt sports and added the maga TV package, how long does it normally take for new channels to be added? I've tried a reboot bit still not changed 


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

If you done it online or via the tv box it raises a request in the customer service agent queue to be actioned. These usually take 24 to 48 hours to be put through. If you used the phone or online chat the CSA will update your account in real time & it should happen almost immediately.

VM 350BB 2xV6 & Landline. Freeview/Freesat HD, ASDA/Tesco PAYG Mobile. Cable customer since 1993

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On our wavelength

I called virgin at about 1 this afternoon, still not upgraded? tried restarting the box but no joy 

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

On a TiVo or V6, follow Home > Help & Settings > Help > TV Care > I'm missing some channels.

There's nothing a reboot does which this doesn't.

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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On our wavelength

thanks I'll give it a go 

On our wavelength

that sorted it cheers 

Hi Thomas83, 

Thanks for taking the time to contact us via the Community. It's lovely having you on board with us in the Forums.

When making changes to your package, it will all depend on whether you've requested any equipment changes (such as an upgrade to 360 from the V6 box), whether there is a notice period for removing the channels (This is usually 30 days) or whether an engineer is needed.

Once the changes are processed, you'll receive an updated contract. If the information I've given above, doesn't fully answer your question, pop back and let us know and we can pop you a message to pass security and give you a more specific timeframe. 


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