on 15-08-2024 14:37
Moved into my own place and ordered a Virgin package - TV and broadband (and landline I guess - it was much cheaper to include it than not). It was supposed to be delivered by Yodel on Saturday. This went fine - I received emails notifying me of this and a parcel was delivered.
However, inside the parcel was just the broadband hub - no 360 TV box.
I phoned Virgin to explain this (after quite a while figuring out how to - I seemed to come across a lot of references saying to phone the number in your quickstart pack - there was no number in the quickstart pack).
The customer service person appeared fine, stating they would get the box sent out to me and it would arrive on Tuesday. Great - slight hiccup but problem appeared to be solved. (side complaint - I responded to the customer service survey positively about her, but despite the initial message stating text replies would be free, have now found I am being charged for them).
My parents kindly volunteered to stay in the house Tuesday as I was working in the office. Nothing came. I was slightly suspicious as I had received no email confirmation from Virgin or Yodel about it but thought maybe that's what happens if customer service order something instead of you.
Phoned Virgin on the evening - after a frustratingly long hold got through to someone. They understood the issue - could see that I had phoned on Saturday, but it turned out no TV box had been ordered at that time. They then said they would order the box for me, and repeated that it would take 48 hours for it to be delivered. They clarified that I should receive emails from Yodel about the delivery.
It's now (almost) been 48 hours, and as I haven't even received an email about it, am fairly confident nothings coming.
I don't really want to face another lengthy phone call and have no confidence that would resolve the issue as the previous two times haven't despite the reassuring and genuine sounding customer service people. Is posting here a way to get Virgin to send me the TV box or could anyone recommend another route that might have some chance of success please?
on 19-08-2024 10:10
Hey ChrisSmith24, thank you for reaching out and I am so sorry to hear about this.
Did the TV box eventually come or are you still waiting on it?
Any delivery's can take 3- 5 working days not 48 hours sorry.
Matt - Forum Team
New around here?
on 19-08-2024 14:02
Thanks for replying.
Still waiting on the TV box - I presume it hasn't been ordered again as I haven't received any email notifications from Virgin or Yodel about it. Was going to try phoning again when I get back home from work.
I have a new theory as to why nothing has been sent. I downloaded the virgin app, logged in with the Gmail account I bought the package with, and it shows me as being at my parents address still. This makes me think things have become confused. I am listed as a secondary user on my dad's account, and have an ntlworld email from that. I have now moved into my own house, and ordered my own package, which I am the primary user of. I wonder if this has all gotten the system confused. I'm guessing the customer service people are being told by me I'm the primary user, then after the call when they go to order the box it comes up that I'm a secondary user. I'm just speculating but trying to give the benefit of the doubt as to why they are helpful during the call then don't seem to do the action afterwards.
If possible it would be best for me to be removed as a secondary user on my dad's account, and get my existing email transferred through to be the primary user on my own account.
19-08-2024 19:12 - edited 19-08-2024 19:14
Phoned again tonight. Again reassured by the customer service person - hopefully a box will come this time. (although this has happened before - twice!)
They said that the orders the previous customer service people made kept being rejected due to an error in the initial set up. Today she is trying to set it up classed as a replacement and reckons that should get it to work. (Will apparently need to phone with serial number to get it to activate as won't work straight out of the box).
The theory in my previous reply wasn't accurate. I'd gotten confused as the same Gmail I'd used to make my Virgin order was already linked to my old secondary account and I'd forgotten I needed to register again. That at least is all sorted as the app now shows the correct info. Just hope the TV box turns up this time.
on 21-08-2024 15:21
I feel I've been pretty patient but getting frustrated now.
The 360 box arrived, which is good, but (presumably because it had to be put down on the system as a replacement despite me not receiving the initial one) the only items in the package were the 360 box and the power supply.
I've downloaded an installation guide from the Virgin website, and (I presume these should have been included in the package, please correct me if otherwise) I'm still missing the TV remote, a HDMI cable, and I think a splitter and 2x connector cables (can't tell if these are separate or connected as part of the splitter).
I've been on the phone to Virgin again. Unlike my previous experiences, I was not reassured that the issue is going to be resolved or that the person understood what I was saying. They did suggest a remote and HDMI cable would be sent out (every time I mentioned the splitter they repeated that yes a HDMI cable will be sent), but also suggested they will be in the parcel with the TV box when I receive it, despite the whole call being about that they weren't. Full disclosure, whilst my words were all polite I couldn't do much about my tone which is pretty annoyed compared to my multiple previous calls - maybe this in turn meant the customer service wasn't as helpful and reassuring as before.
I didn't think recieving the service I've paid for would be so difficult!
on 23-08-2024 15:26
Thanks for coming back to us ChrisSmith24 and sorry for the issues that you're having getting the correct equipment for your TV service. I would be happy to take a further look into this for you but first I would need to confirm a few details via private message, please look out for my message and we can get started.
Kind Regards,