on 22-09-2024 12:58
I tried to record - it says Virgin TV1 is offline, or not connecting. Turn it on to check if your recording was scheduled' - not sure what I should be turning on. I cant see what could be offline as I can stream Disney, Netflix etc
i have v6 box do i need set that up somewhere else
on 22-09-2024 13:20
Hi icemist74
You've posted in the TV360 forum but mention a V6 box?
Which box do you have? https://www.virginmedia.com/care/tv-fault/which-tv-box
Do you have more than one set top box? If so and they both TV360 boxes then one may be a main box which has the hard drive for recording purposes, and the other may be a mini box which is half the height of the main box as it doesn't contain a hard drive for recordings.
on 22-09-2024 14:34
I upgraded our V6 box to 360 had an old Virgin box. Think I figured it out by leaving the 360 mini box in sitting room and relocating the v6 box upstairs to boys bedroom.
can record now and all seems ok
on 22-09-2024 14:38
@icemist74 wrote:i have v6 box do i need set that up somewhere else
To add to the previous reply, a V6 box runs TiVo-software. a TV360 box runs Horizon firmware.
Did you previously have a V6 which has been reformatted, to run Horizon-software and is now a TV360-master (thus no longer a V6)?
You've mentioned Disney which the V6 doesn't have, only TV360 & non-recording Stream.
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on 24-09-2024 15:53
Hi @icemist74, thank you for your posts.
We're sorry to hear about the problem you've been having, but we're glad it's been resolved.
Thank you for your support @newapollo and @japitts 👍