on 16-07-2024 18:42
I'm regularly receiving the above error code even though all my other devices are able to access the internet fine through my Hub 3. This isn't a new issue, it's been going on for months and months, but I'd finally like to be rid of it as it's very frustrating having to reboot the box in the middle of watching something. Sometimes the error goes after 5 or 10 minutes (most recently just now), but other times it lasts longer and the box needs a reboot.
Any help appreciated!
on 19-07-2024 13:32
Hi andyland,
Sorry to hear the issue is ongoing for you and for the inconvenience caused. From what you have advised this is an error via your set top box?
Does it happen on every channel or just specific ones? We've checked the code here but it doesn't bring up any reasons. We're eager to look into this further for you and I will send you a Private Message to get some more details from you to assist. Check the envelope in the top right of the forum when signed in for the message.
on 19-07-2024 14:01
Thanks Robert. Reply sent.
Apologies, the error code in the thread title should have said CS9994