The pods don't work (like they used to)
Recently upgraded to VM 1gig service. Got a Hub 5 to replace Hub 3 and now having issues with White WiFi pods. They connect and it looks like we are getting really decent connection and speed but then it keeps losing Internet connection and or get intermittent speeds that drop below the min 30MB advertised. Previously had a wired connection to the pods and worked seamlessly for 18 month with Hub 3. Had a 2 hour plus call on Thursday and went round in circles, was told not to connect ethernet cable to pod. I know the pods previously worked and the new Hub 5 works really well. But getting this through to the VM team is impossible, it feels like the process their call and chat handlers operate in is designed to wind you up. Also tried over chat for many hours on multiple different chats. Made promises that haven't been delivered, really disappointing customer experience. Has anyone else come up with a solution other than leave VM or install my own mesh network?