Forum Discussion

Luke142's avatar
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5 months ago

Device connection to WiFi pods

Morning all! Having connection issues with the WiFi pod & hub 3, in particular with our smart TV. There was always connection issues with the tv as the hub is quite far away. VM assisted with this and sent a WiFi pod. The pod is much closer now and when the tv is connected to it, there are no issues. However, I constantly find that the tv is connecting to the hub (with a poor connection as its only just in range), rather than the pod. I then struggle to reboot refresh the WiFi to force the tv to jump to the pod. The connection is terrible through the hub and the streaming functions won't work at all!


Could anyone please offer any advice, and if it is possible to have the tv default to the pod permanently? Thanks in advance

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    It is the TV making the choice of connecting to the Hub or Pod.

    Replace the VM Pod with ( or add ) a retail Wi-Fi repeater that can produce the repeated signal with a different SSID.

    This will enable you to connect to the TV to SSID of the Hub or the different SSID of Wi-Fi repeater as required.