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Account is closed after leaving but still getting scam spam forwarded

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my wife’s ntlword@com email address was supposed to be deleted many years ago, but she is still receiving spam emails. She has sent a message to her old email address and the message gets forwarded to her present email, so it looks like the account isn't fully closed, and that there is a forwarding address set up.

i should be grateful if someone from the Forum Team can look into this and fully close her old account. 

kind regards




Delete the forwarding !

She may not be able to as VM seem to often delete the account giving access to the mailbox, but not actually delete the mailbox itself. Mail forwarding is a feature of the mailbox settings and will continue to work even if the underlaying account itself is deleted, Unless the mailbox is fully purged out of VM’s systems then mail forwarding will still work.

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hey Eugen1, thank you for reaching out and I am sorry to hear this, also a warm welcome to the community.

I will send you a PM so we can look at getting this fully deleted for you. 


Matt - Forum Team

New around here?

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

I had the same issue and the Team here were able to remove the old NTLWorld Primary mailbox and sub mailboxes. I was warned at the time the mailbox would have been deleted after 90 days, but 18 months later it was still active.  I'd stopped using it a long time ago, so no concerns about it being deleted.

It took around a week to complete the deletion, so good job all round.

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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