Upload low rate
On 1gig.
Uploads don't go past 30.
Max transfer rate looks to be ok in the hub settings... In the 120 mill range ~.
Up stream for docsis 3.1 QAM32. Should be 64?
This all started over a week ago when I received a text saying the was a fault then my internet went down for a short while.
It came back up and I received a text saying the issue was resolved.
Downstream is fine but upload hasn't worked properly since.
Status checker constantly says that there's a fault with BB and TV and that it will be fixed at 10pm of whatever day I check. So I don't really trust it.
Could a forum mod member look into this for me, please?
I really can't handle going through the routine standards of the phone support.
I've rebooted and checked cables etc already.