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Shocking price increase

On our wavelength

Got 250mb and a phoneline I don't use , less than 3 months left on my contract , August bill was £30 ,this month's £41 , next month and till my contract ends £50 .because I've lost 2 so called loyalty discounts I can get 1gig full fibre elsewhere for at least £8 cheaper , your prices are ridiculous 😡😡😡😡😡


Alessandro Volta

Time to switch provider then when your renewal comes up?

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @flipflop 

Welcome back to our community forums and sorry to hear you are unhappy with your package deals and discount. We truly aim to provide the best-suited package for our customers. Here on forums, we are unable to help in this way however you can call our team on 0345 454 1111 who can assist. You can also see some great deals here 


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On our wavelength


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

All of your bills and your (downloadable) contract clearly show the undiscounted price of your package, together with the amount & expiry date of any time-limited discounts.

The pricing shouldn't be a surprise - you can plan ahead to compare VM's prices with those of alternate providers, ready to discuss your package with Retentions, come the right time.

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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Knows their stuff

@flipflop wrote:

Got 250mb and a phoneline I don't use , less than 3 months left on my contract , August bill was £30 ,this month's £41 , next month and till my contract ends £50 .because I've lost 2 so called loyalty discounts I can get 1gig full fibre elsewhere for at least £8 cheaper , your prices are ridiculous 😡😡😡😡😡

Quit whinging and leave like many of us did this year. If prices are too much and competition cheaper for better services, then defund and go with alternative that doesn't charge in contract price rises or has steep out of contract pricing 🙂

Its business at the end of the day just as VM management see customers. They have the product and you have the money they want.