on 03-09-2024 20:43
I have had exactly the same problem. I was told by the call centre staff that nothing was due, and to cancel my direct debit in case further payment was taken. Not had any communication from Virgin, no request for a bill. My credit rating is destroyed over a £15 payment I have not been asked for. I am due to buy a house soon. Can someone at Virgin please contact me urgently.
on 03-09-2024 22:55
Your post has been moved to a new thread, can you explain the context of what your issue is?
As general advice, a good start to any credit file query is to identify any entries on your credit file that you feel are incorrect - and send documentary proof of that alleged inaccuracy to creditfileamendments@virginmedia.co.uk - they should investigate on an "upto 21 day" basis.
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on 04-09-2024 08:15
Hey johnadbn, thank you for reaching out and a warm welcome to the community I am so sorry to hear this.
If you have made the payment the credit file will update within 21 working days, we cannot speed this up sorry but it will be removed
Matt - Forum Team
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