Using the link kindly provided by @newapollo a few weeks ago, I requested returns packaging online. Received a confirmation email from Virgin on 4 Dec 24 saying, "Your prepaid equipment returns packaging is winging its way to you". It did also say, "It generally takes 2 weeks to get the packaging to you" - which made me wonder which company of carrier pigeons they use.
Okay, it hasn't been 2 weeks yet. But yesterday I got a text saying, "There's been a delay in sending you some prepaid packaging to return our kit. Please bear with us, it'll be on its way shortly".
So when they said on 4 Dec 24 that it was "winging its way" to me, clearly it wasn't. And it took them 8 days to tell me it wasn't, and they still haven't given any indication when I might actually get it.
In the meantime I suppose it's wishful thinking to suppose the delay in sending out the packaging will be taken into account when they decide to charge me for not sending back the equipment. That would be far too logical, and would require the left hand knowing what the right hand is doing.
I still haven't had a proper reply to my complaint about being charged not only a full month for 14 days provision of service but also being told that on 30 Dec 24 I will be charged another full month, several weeks after disconnection. All I keep getting is one increasingly incomprehensible email after another. I have now given up on ever getting an answer to my very simple questions, it's too frustrating. I decided to just wait and see whether I eventually get a refund - and if I do, whether it's correct - before taking further action. Now, of course, I'm probably going to have even more money to chase when inevitably Virgin charge me for equipment that I haven't returned because they haven't sent me the packaging!