Forum Discussion

lsly26's avatar
Joining in
6 months ago

Bill continuously wrong

Is there a way I can speak to someone at Virgin to help out with a problem on my account? I can only get an automated service when i phone. On the chat they say they have resolved but nothing changes then I need to start from the beginning again on the next chat. I have opened up three complaints, all just get closed without a resolution.

In short, I renewed a my contract in May this year, although I have the contracted documents, this was never applied to my account. I was constantly charged a higher amount and had to spend days each month to get refunded on the next month. This refund would then be recharged again the following month. Just when I thought it was all sorted out, ( I got an email from the complaints department to say that due to all refunds my bill this month would be £0) a direct debit of £220 was taken from my account. I have been on the chat all morning and they have apologised and said it should only have been for £117 not £220, even although I have an email to say it was £0 !

I thought they had resolved this and they said they would email me with everything agreed but just got an email back with resolution that says nothing on it other than they were closing the complaint.

I have spent almost 6 months trying to sort this out but every month it gets worse and not matter what I am promised it doesn't happen. I really don't know what else to do.

  • Same thing has been happening to me for 6 months now. Constantly getting told I will be refunded but then it gets added back on the following month. I have spent days and days on the chat and getting nowhere. All complaints just closed, even one email from the complaints dept telling me I would be refunded but it never happened and now been charged double this month. I have no idea what is going on with virgin. Been a customer for over 20 years and this is the first I have had problems.

    • Vikki_M's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi lsly26

      Thanks for your post and welcome to our community.

      We're sorry to hear you have a billing concern that hasn't been resolved.

      I'll send you a private message now.

      Please look out for the envelope in the top right of the page and pop back to me when you can. 


  • I have been having this problem for 6 months now ! Even although I had a new contract I was constantly charged a higher price, they have no proof of the new contract even although I have it.