on 11-06-2024 19:15
Problems with accessing Virgin Go again.
It has been ok for a while but today I cannot access any programmes. What I get after a very slow boot up and after the program selected is running for a short time is : "Timeout exception.....future not completed" and the screen goes black.
What does this mean?
There were a few problems with broadband outages in ML3 over the last few days.
on 12-06-2024 20:09
Hi @js2910 👋
Welcome back to our Community Forums and thanks for your post.
Sorry for any issues with Virgin TV GO.
Are you trying to access this via the browser or app?
on 12-06-2024 20:23
Thanks for your response.
I think Virgin Media had issues in my area ML3 yesterday which affected Wi-Fi, Broadband and the full service. All seems to be ok now and Virgin Go is working again on my PC.
Please close the issue.
Thank you.
on 13-06-2024 20:48
Hi js2910
Thanks for letting us know, we're happy this is now resolved :).
We're very sorry for any inconvenience the interruption in service may have caused.
Please pop back to us should you have any further concerns.
Take care.
Vikki - Forum Team
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