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wifi pod request tracking

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I recently requested some wifi pods to help remove some drop outs I am having in 2-3 rooms (<20), I spent hours on the chat on Tuesday 2nd and had a confirmation that a pod would be sent out and that I would receive tracking information. Also told that I needed to wait before requesting a second by 72 hours (?) so back on the chat on Saturday to request a second, again was told tracking information would be sent out and that the pods would be delivered within 3-5 days.

So far no tracking information to confirm these pods will actually arrive and when I need to wait in for them, I recently ordered a Stream box and the order was added to the appointments page online as soon as the chat was complete, does anybody know if the same happens for wifi pods? Keen to fix my drop outs as I work from home and need a decent signal.




Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

You will need to install an initial Pod before VM will send another.  It sounds as if the order was not actioned?

The official route is the Connect App, and this should allow you to order this initial Pod.  If this is not working, then wait here a day or two for a VM Mod to pick this up and discuss with you directly.

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Thanks for answering, was told I just needed to request a second 72 hours later? There is nowhere on the connect app to order these, it just states that the Homescan feature is being updated and if speeds are less than 30 in each room call or go online for help.


Hey anonymous, thank you for reaching out and I am sorry you are having some issues ordering pod.

The best way to get a pod order is download the Virgin Connect app, from here do a scan.

If the scan picks up that you need a pod it will allow you to order some.

However they can be chargeable depending what package you on.

They are free on Volt, 1GB or Oomph bundles. 

If you do re-activate your profile we would be happy you send you a PM. 

Please let me know how you get on. Thanks 

Matt - Forum Team

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