Client62 wrote:
For video footage at 60fps, two video frames take longer than 33ms to display.
An eye blink is 100 to 150 ms of not looking at the screen.
30ms is fine.
True but not relevant. Obviously there's a minimum reaction time to anything but the lower the ping and, hence, the lower the delay put on top of that baseline, the better.
Frames displayed and the tick rate of the game, how frequently input from players is being processed and output to others, are different things.
I was for a very long time not appreciative of this but at the very bleeding edge for competitive gamers it does make a difference and that difference has been researched and proven. Performance versus players of equal skill rapidly degrades as latency delta changes. The lad could easily have 10 ms higher latency than he might with an alternative ISP causing some action he performs to be processed a tick later than it would have otherwise and impacting gaming performance.
Have a look at Google Scholar or Research Gate for instance and you should find some quite interesting papers.