Not sure what is going on with my virgin email. I have been a customer for 15 years (the full package - a lot of money each month). While abroad (3 weeks ago) my main virgin email suddenly came up with 'credentials could not be verified' insert password etc. Never had to do this before as the remember password option (on Windows, Android, Apple - Ipad) is always enabled. I input the password, which (surprise, surprise) now no longer worked? Very, very inconvenient as I was abroad and unable to obtain urgent mails. Back in the UK, I logged into my main virginmedia account (using my 3rd party - its always worked fine) no problems logging in but found that could not access webmail for any of my email accounts (my 2 other accounts and my gmail account) - none were visible and there were no options to manage the email accounts details. Clicked on the email section and received the 'You have been locked out - security reasons or no longer have an account reasons.' This is complete rubbish - there are no security issues, have had this virgin email address for years, along with my virgin broadband and phone account. I went through all this with someone on the phone - including changing the 3rd party email password. They did some background work and called me back and asked me to try again. Logged back into my main virgin account (using the 3rd party login) again, no problems logging in but still no emails visible and no options to manage individual email addresses. Clicking on the mail section, just brought up the same old 'You have been locked out - security or no longer have an account reasons' - again. So no access to any emails via the web and no access to the specific virginmedia email address I have used for years - yet, strangely, my 2 other (lesser used) virginmedia email addresses are still working fine. However, I need access to my primary virginmedia email address on the platforms that I use (Android, Windows, Apple) my other virginmedia email addresses are all working fine on these platforms. I also need the web access for all of my email accounts (which I had until 3 weeks ago). No one seems to know what has happened or to have a solution to this balls up. Anyone any ideas at all?