I have been battling for well over 10 years to get VM email accounts reinstated. I have lost money on not being able to access other sites that I used the email for a login and the only way of logging in is using the email address because it sends a 2FA code which now goes to a dead VM email address. I only needed it reinstated to change it to something else.
This with Virgin's semi stealth forced upgrades in speed then increasing the monthly bill later which now is £79 for the 1Gb package I have to leave after 23 years. It was Blueyonder when I fist had it, Strange how they keep the primary Blueyonder email address working all this time but the virgin.net and virginmedia,con just get deleted or disabled.
I now can get another provider 900Mbs both up and down on a £29 offer for 2 years (VM 1GB down 50Mb up)
The latest joke from them when forced upgrading me from 500Mbs to 1Gb was sending a contract to the virgin.net account.THEY deleted.
Bye Virgin you should have sorted my email out.
BTW I have gone through the support thing many times over the years with no resolution. And putting RESOLVED on my posts which seem to have now been deleted is a lie.