Forum Discussion

ixi_1966's avatar
Tuning in
22 days ago

NTLWorld email account suddenly inaccessible

Without warning one of our email accounts, stopped working on Friday afternoon.

I initially just assumed an issue with the mail servers, but after checking the service status everything was showing as ok. We have 3 email addresses in the house from the days of NTL, an initial one which was difficult to remember and 2 more using our names. The initial one and my wifes account are still working however mine is not. This is my main email account for the last 20 years and it's causing quite a panic to lose access to it.

I have called 150 today and when connected got put through to an agent who said that NTLworld accounts were not supported and were being withdrawn. She said I should have been notified, however we have not received any notification on any of the 3 email accounts. I asked her if she could make it accessible again and she said she would reset the password (she also confirmed she could see the account). 

She asked me for a new password, but after doing this I was still unable to access the account via with a message saying my email or password is incorrect. The agent said she has raised a call and passed it over to the relevant department who would contact me within 5 working days. 

On logging into my virginmedia account I can still see my wifes account on the list of additional virgin email accounts, however where mine used to be is a gmail account I used while trying to sort this whole thing out, no sign of the missing account.

Hopefully someone can help and stop the panic

  • Each Ntlworld email address now has its own My Virgin Media account. In your case the sign in username is the Gmail address.  So when following the steps to unlock the email account log into My VM with the Gmail address not your primary login. Use the Ntlworld password and then follow the steps to change the Ntlworld password and generate an app password for the email account.

  • Hi Graham, thanks again for the assistance. I think I understand a bit more, I go into the mail website and use the gmail account that is now showing in the place that used to show my old email ( other email accounts) page. I then try my old password that used to get me in, and it takes me to a your virgin media mail account is unavailable page. I have then tried and go through the suggested steps numerous times and it still doesn’t let me in. The webpage tells me that I have to reset the password for my main account, then it says go to manage your virgin media mail app password page and get a new password. I’m then unsure which password to try and use when I try the gmail link in route again. My original password, the revised virgin media account password or the app password generated by the last step? As this just seems to change the difficult to remember account password rather than the one I’ve lost.

    sorry, for any frustration in my reply, I’ve been round the loop about 25 times now and it just seems like the account is not there. 

    if my old email account is now somehow sat behind this gmail front end, and I can’t access it because it says the password is wrong, how can I change the password for this gmail account which seems to be the guardian of my old email.


    • Graham_A's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      Each Ntlworld email address now has its own My Virgin Media account. In your case the sign in username is the Gmail address.  So when following the steps to unlock the email account log into My VM with the Gmail address not your primary login. Use the Ntlworld password and then follow the steps to change the Ntlworld password and generate an app password for the email account.

      • ixi_1966's avatar
        Tuning in

        Graham you are an absolute star! Thank you so much for your help and patience. I’m back in and now a bit more informed. I owe you a pint!

  • Graham_A's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Ntlworld email addresses are only at risk of they are not linked to a current VM broadband account.

    In your case as you can see the Gmail address in the list of secondary accounts that is a good sign.  You need to use the Gmail address and the new password to sign into VM webmail together to your Ntlworld email account.

    • ixi_1966's avatar
      Tuning in

      Hi Graham, thanks for the reply. I am still very much a paid up member of virgin media, so it was quite a shock when my access disappeared.

      when I log onto my main virginmedia account, and then go into mail from there, it goes into my original NTL world account, with the difficult to remember name. I have no idea how to access the missing account and now it is not listed in the child accounts.

      im not sure I understand how to log into virgin webmail using the gmail account and also my missing account? 

      apologies for not understanding, I work in IT so, I should be good with things like this.

      • Graham_A's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        The sign in username for your 'missing' Ntlworld email address is now the third party email Gmail address.  This is part of the security changes that VM made last year.  Eventually every VM account will need a third party email address to sign in with.

        To get to your Ntlworld email sign out of any other VM account and go to the webmail page.  In the sign in box enter the Gmail email address and the Ntlworld account password.  This should take you to the Ntlworld emails.