Nasty blackmailing email
Someone emailed me to say they'd hacked my email account and were going to send malicious emails to all my contacts, or use AI to generate stuff to post stuff online etc etc, unless I paid bitcoin into their bank account within 48 hours. I can't remember exactly, but I think the amount demanded was $1290 - and the sender was obviously from a country where homosexuality is illegal..
That email had gone straight into the online spam folder, so, happily was not delivered to my laptop !! But I saw it when I checked the online spam folder, which I do every now and then because genuine emails are sometimes marked as spam (heaven knows why !!)
While I don't intend to pay any attention to the nasty little blackmailer, I am concerned about the fact that email on Virginmedia is being hacked - and I do believe that it is, because the emailer also mentioned the first part of my password. So, is VM aware of this ? and, if so, what are they doing about it ?
I wanted to speak to VM about it, but there aren't any contact details on their website - or, if there are, then they're very well hidden !! On the Contacting Virgin Media page it says "... learn how to contact us directly further down." but there's no contact info anywhere on that page. I did find a live chat button on their website, but that doesn't work - and phoning 150 doesn't get me through to a live person these days either.
So I decided to post in this forum - firstly, to highlight the hacking, and, secondly, in the hopes that someone will tell Virgin Media about it.
OTY, Virgin Community.