Forum Discussion
Mmmm.. that's interesting... I have never done that for any of our ntlworld email accounts in the past.
I thing that deleting the account from my Macs and setting it up again from scratch may be the way to go.
jbrennand wrote:Mmmm.. that's interesting... I have never done that for any of our ntlworld email accounts in the past.
It is a new 'security' element introduced by VM several months ago. It is generally only triggered when you try to set up the address on a new email client or when something goes awry as seems to have happened in your case.
- jbrennand3 months agoVery Insightful Person
Cheers - will look art it - but my head hurts now because I cant log back into the User1 eMail account - so I am back to square one on the merry go round.
Its convinced me that from here on in I am winding down future VM mail and have started switching anything important over to my Gmail/GMX/iCloud ones 😎
- coenoby3 months agoVery Insightful Person
jbrennand wrote:cant log back into the User1 eMail account - so I am back to square one on the merry go round.
As part of the VM password reset process did you specify a non VM email address to use with your VM account?
If so, you need to enter that email address (not your Ntlworld address) as the username when signing into your webmail or My Virgin Media accounts on the VM website. The password will still be the one you changed it to during the password reset process.
- jbrennand3 months agoVery Insightful Person
coenoby wrote:
jbrennand wrote:cant log back into the User1 eMail account - so I am back to square one on the merry go round.
As part of the VM password reset process did you specify a non VM email address to use with your VM account?
If so, you need to enter that email address (not your Ntlworld address) as the username
Graham... you are a true genius - I am back in. 👍
- jbrennand3 months agoVery Insightful Person
coenoby wrote:If so, you need to enter that email address (not your Ntlworld address) as the username when signing into your webmail or My Virgin Media accounts on the VM website. The password will still be the one you changed it to during the password reset process.
Hi again Graham
All is now well on the VM eMail User1 account. However, I still cannot connect on the Apple Mail client using any combination of eMail address and password.
Do you have any advice as to what to input into the Mail Account settings shown below. I can always invoke the nuclear option and delete and try again but reluctant to do this ATM.
- coenoby3 months agoVery Insightful Person
jbrennand wrote:
coenoby wrote:Hi again Graham
Do you have any advice as to what to input into the Mail Account settings shown below. I can always invoke the nuclear option and delete and try again but reluctant to do this ATM.
Hi jbrennand
Actually it's my posts (@coenoby) not Graham_A 's you have been replying to on this thread for a while. It's no problem for me and hopefully not for Graham, we're all here to help.
Looking at the settings you have posted, the only thing I would say is that the password field must be the VM "Mail app " password for this email account. That will be in the format xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx (so four words separated by hyphens).
If you are not using that password then the app will definitely fail to authenticate with the VM email server.
Did you generate that Maill App password in the My Virgin Media account when you added the Gmail account and reset the password? Graham (the real Graham) did advise about that in his post on 20-11-2024 16.03 / 16:08.
If you are already using that Mail app password in the settings it may be worth going back and generating a new mail app password and then updating the password in Apple Mail with that new app password.
- Graham_A3 months agoVery Insightful Person
In the mail server settings section the password is neither your gmail one or the old ntlworld one. You need to use the generated app password that is in the format of four words with - between each word. Also the smtp server should be, although it should still work with the old server name.
- jbrennand3 months agoVery Insightful Person
Apologies coneboy (and Graham) I can only play the age card !
re the password.. I have never done a 4 word password for anything so thats the issue!
will investigate further but will probably end up just using the working VM web interface as I plan to migrate everything to Gmail over the next few months
cheers again - John
- coenoby3 months agoVery Insightful Person
jbrennand wrote:I have never done a 4 word password for anything so thats the issue!
will investigate further
To reset the Mail App password sign in to the My Virgin Media account using the Gmaill address you specified then:
- Click on Account settings then Virgin Media Mail settings
- then scroll down to the App password section and click the Generate new App password button.
You will get a pop up message asking you to verify your VM email account and VM will send an email with a verification code to your Gmail account.
Hope that helps.
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