I encourage people to post, it helps us all to see how VM continue to do nothing about bringing a much needed and frequently requested feature that was present on previous models, to the Hub 5x.
There should be some sort of sticky at the top so that we can get the latest updates, not that there have ever been any, along with a vote function so that VM have a clear idea of how much the feature is needed.
I write this as someone who cancelled during cooling off, https://community.virginmedia.com/t5/Networking-and-WiFi/Modem-Mode-Hub-5x-Cooling-off-period/td-p/5577972, and lives on with very slow ADSL!
I wonder how much revenue VM are losing?
Come on VM, pull your finger out and get Modem Mode sorted. We'd understand if this was something complicated to implement, but we all know it's not!