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24 days ago

Hub 5x - Vm connect app completely unfunctional

For the last two weeks or so my virgin media connect app has completely stopped working it doesn’t let me see any devices it deleted one of my accounts and now it just keeps giving me the same message 

Oops! Something went wrong. Hub 5x customers only: we’re sorry we’re having issues with the pause/unpause on Hub 5x you may experience isssues while using this feature

We’re working hard in the background to fix this ASAP 

My computer is blocked on the app and I can’t get onto it to unblock it because the app won’t load at all it just keeps giving me this message 


please help thanks

  • Already tried resetting it to no avail I will try the hub 5x menu and report back in a moment just busy right now

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Use the Hub 5x menu ( not Connect app ) and delete all MAC Filtering entries.