2 months agoJoining in
Hub 5 woes
Hi all. Hoping someone can help. Last subday my Internet dropped. Specifically anything on an ethernet port. Laptop, powerlines, 3 xboxes. Reset everything, same issue.....wireless was ...
Downstream power levels are all very high & too high level ( 10 dBmV is the usual maximum ).
This is a Hub 5, so avoid the 2.5Gb/s port unless you have a device that allows you to operate and 2.5Gb/s AND has EEE / Energy Efficient Ethernet disabled - i.e a PC with a fast NIC and you have made these adjustments or a Managed Network switch and EEE has been disabled.
When your devices disconnect from the Hub 5, find out if :-
1) the link has dropped - i.e. the link lights on the hub / device are out, can be a cable issue.
2) the link has not dropped but the device has lost its DHCP IP from the Hub
3) or the device is now using and IP that does not begin - sometimes a Powerline cross connection may occur with a near by home that has compatible Powerline adapters where both have not been secured ( password changed ) since installation. Vendors utility programs exists to set a secure password for PLAs.
Engineer that came was a very good gentleman called Jack, who came out years ago to us.
He straight off the bat knew what the issue was, and also discovered interference.
He replaced the cable coming in, added a filter or similar, and tested everything.
This guy goes the extra mile ,replaced a few bits, leaving no stone unturned.
he showed me the signal noise level and explained everything he was doing and why everything is working as it should.....just a shame that the issue was not realised until the 3rd engineer visit!
Thanks for getting back to us, apologies I didn't realise it was feedback for the engineers. Thanks for the kind words about him, we will pass that on, I am sure Jack will appreciate it 🙂.