Forum Discussion

Itzanotheruser's avatar
On our wavelength
21 days ago

12.30 am dropouts/disconnects?

I posted a few months back regarding my network dropping out every night at 12.30am (give or take a few minutes). If you want to see the old thread with its longer description of the issue I am having, it's here

When this happens, I here cannot access anything that uses the internet via LAN or wireless including Netflix and other streaming services on my 360 My question is, is anyone else having this issue?

If you are can you try an experiment and post back with your results. 
What I am asking you to do is to turn on your guest network (in the admin area of the router). Leave everything standard, no messing with any settings (bar the password if you desire).
When the network drops out on you, try to connect via the guest network on any device.
Does that make the network again?

Sorry for asking this, but I have been trying to get this sorted for months and no one can understand what I am going on about at Virgin, it seems.

Thank to anyone that reads and can then post your results back here.

  • colinreid's avatar
    On our wavelength

    this happened to me last night but it was off for a good few hours hasn't done that for a while though 

    • Itzanotheruser's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Did you try the guest network whilst the main network was down? If so, was that ip range ( working normally? 

  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Seem to happen to only you I guess some parent told VM to do this and forgot about for a give WAN IP you are using.

    what about modem mode does that work?

    • Itzanotheruser's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Im not entirely sure what you meant to say about paretn and VM, suffice to say I think it was a joke ... which is fine. 
      Regarding the IP, when it happens anything connected via the network goes down, regardless of if it is wireless or LAN. I also loose the ability to LAN connect to the router via its address. I CAN access other devices on the same network such as the device on the address without issue, I just loose the ability to talk outside the network or the router itself.
      However, at the saem time, connecting to the guest network via and get the normal, expected speeds via wifi. This does ofcourse limit any net connections to wireless only (fine for the laptop/phones .. not so good for PC or the 360 box without changing the settings each time).
      the problem then fixes itself sometime later (this early morning for example, at 1.30am the home wired/wireless nework and router address all come back online again without me doing anything. 
      Whilst the issue is happening, no lights (bar the solid white normal light) are on the router at any time.

      Regarding using it in modem mode, I do not have any external router to use or test this. Also of course, if I did, this would then be deemed the root of any issue by any VM help as its a non VM part in the issue (previous experince with the helpdesk has taught me this over the years as the first thing they ask is about non VM parts including cables).

      As the issue resolves itself and is at the time when there is no real human help (not complaining, we all need to sleep and why have customer service 24 hours a day.. hopefully they wouldnt be needed most of the time), by the time customer service opens there now is no issue for them to see. That means I am just left with **bleep**ing about it in the middle of the night like some karen-esque lunatic, just because I feel the need to at least get it logged somewhere, I suppose.