Thank you DH111 - you the only one has responded positively about the complaint. This has started since last year. I have raised with virgin media, the Android and Iphones gadgets children child safety protection stopped working but laptop/PC was still working. I raised it last year with VM then to ofcom, VM came back and apologies - confirming children safety will never going on gadgets due back end system and Internet failed to allow the children safety to filter (not sure what was their the stupid reasons was then). They offered a compensation of £50 to settle the case. They haven't release a statement to general public about this issue. Later this year, the same issue impacted the PC and laptops, I raised from beginning of the year - still nothing, if we are paying for a service that service never work, pointless. The virgin process raising complaint is a joke and petty, we raise with India call center, but they have no access to the technical department in UK, the will have a script to call you and say it is fixed but without checking - months I have been trying warn the general public this is the case, I raised nearly 10 tickets .. you get random call and emails that is waste of time. They are not interested to resolve the issue, no matter what - Virgin Media should come out with a statement to say the free child safety is not working, probably you need to buy the advance security to save guard your home security for the children, that adds £30 to your bill - you could use Norton for just £1 a month for to get same service, renewal different email account each year.
I don't know most of commenter are cybertroopers working on behalf of VM, they are trying educate me, as I thought I am a stupid parent, I understand we need educate our children but once they are locked up in their rooms - you have limited access to their privacy, we are not we worried about them - this more of grooming gengs out there trying to get them, with the mass illegal immigration - they just want get to your children because the have plenty free time on their gands or could be any perverts, a lot cases like that is happening now, we have no control. Our chidren knows how to by pass the technology in place because of the curiosity, they try new methods from their friends- but if the services offered by VM works at first place then we will not have such problem. I am holding VM for their failure, this failure need to be broadcast on national media to shame them, or they need to come clean of the failure for failing to protect our children using their service.
The VM complaint mechanism need to changed, the India call centre so called customer service and UK technical department/counter part dont comunicate - all in the cloud, therefore this issue been never resolved and problem is until Virgin Media upgrades the free service they are offering for child safety or tell us the plan this is never this going away.
Btw, thank you for echoing on behalf this for me.