Hi ibesty22 👋
Thanks for posting, and a warm welcome to the Forums.
I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing some trouble with your service. I've taken a look on our side, and can see that there are high levels of wireless interference within your home, which is affecting WiFi performance.
Wireless interference can be caused by the signals coming from other routers or any electrical devices in close proximity. This interference can affect the speed & stability of the wireless signal.
Can you please ensure that your Hub is:
👉 Out in the open
👉 Next to the TV and not behind it
👉 Away from large bodies of water (e.g. fish tanks)
👉 Away from baby monitors and cordless phones
👉 Away from microwaves
I can also see that your Hub has been online for more than 10 days, can you please try switching it off at the socket for 30 seconds, before swithcing it back on again? This will refresh the connections within the Hub itself, and will set itself to the least congested connections.
Let us know how things go.