Virgin TV 2 is offline or not connecting. Turn it on to watch your recordings.
- 2 months ago
By the symptoms you are describing I would guess you have two migrated V6 TiVO boxes that are now running V360 Horizon firmware. Horizon is a totally different system that works on a central server that organises where the recordings are stored. Recordings are centrally pooled, & unless you specify through the advanced settings that a specific recording should be stored on specific box, it will just record on the last box that was used for recording. If you turn a box off the server sees this as a fault & things can grind to a halt. So my advice is to leave both boxes turned on or you will continue to have issues.
Horizon was designed to work with cloud recording (the way it is used in the rest of Europe), but due to broadcaster agreements here recordings have to be held at the location the account is held. So by turning off the second storage location, you are basically trying to use a PVR while some of it's components are turned off.