So I clicked to 'upgrade ' to 360, then read a lot of posts and decided not to install as it sounded like a downgrade. 2 weeks later I find it's done it automatically. Lost all my wishlists, recordings etc. Has anyone had any joy getting virgin to move them back to TiVo? I've had 360 2 days and hate it
I read as I clicked. I was told it was going to happen anyway but I completely agree. It’s a down grade not an upgrade. I’ve had it a month - it’s truly awful…
Thanks for reaching out to us, apologies you are not happy with TV 360, unfortunately once you have switched over it is not possible to revert back to TIVO as it has now become obsolete. Is there anything In particular that you are finding an Issue or difficult to get used to?
Thanks for reaching out to us, apologies you are not happy with TV 360, unfortunately once you have switched over it is not possible to revert back to TIVO as it has now become obsolete. Is there anything In particular that you are finding an Issue or difficult to get used to?
The TiVO 500 is obsolete, but not the TiVO V6. The OP states that they clicked on upgrade “app” on their box & it was migrated to V360, therefore they cannot be using a TiVO 500.
When upgrading to a TV 360, it is not possible to revert back to a Tivo V6 either unfortunately.
Once the change has completed, it is not possible to revert it back.
The bad news is you pressed that button before making an informed decision. As far as VM is concerned, this is a voluntary migration (it's not an upgrade) to the Horizon platform, which will eventually replace TiVO anyway due to forthcoming network changes.
There is no way of automatically or manually reinstalling TiVO firmware. It's a one way trip unless the boxes are replaced & the account is totally re-provisioned. The only people that have gone back is on an occasion where the upgrade has been done without a request from the customer.
People aren't being fully informed before pressing the flashy upgrade button. They aren't being told about losing their recordings, series links, and losing many functions. They aren't making an informed decision.
Plus anyone in the household could press the upgrade button without the permission of the account holder.
People aren't being fully informed before pressing the flashy upgrade button. They aren't being told about losing their recordings, series links, and losing many functions. They aren't making an informed decision.
Plus anyone in the household could press the upgrade button without the permission of the account holder.
Customers are informed about the loss of recordings when they receive the remote control, it's amongst the instructions which is either printed on the inside lid of the box containing the new remotes, or an inbox pamphlet.
The info shown on the leaflet/box list is shown on the following page
Also customers are sent a migration guide (Screenshot below) which is also also available on the following page
Page 6 Titled Upgrading V6 box to 360 1.2 states:- Recorded shows: Make sure you watch any recorded shows you want to see as they won’t be transferred over.
and Automatic update: Bear in mind your service will automatically update 5 days after this package arrived.
The householder is responsible for the equipment, irrespective of any other person pressing the upgrade button, ordering PPV services etc.