Forum Discussion

jambo751's avatar
Tuning in
6 months ago

V360 Upgrade question

So like many I have received the 360 upgrade email. I currently have one v6 box and an old tivo box. Does anyone know of the free upgrade includes a new mini box? I'm assuming if my main v6 box upgrades to 360 the tivo box will become redundant.

  • khls15995's avatar
    On our wavelength

    I received one too the other day.  My question is I still have recordings on my old V6 box (at least I think it's the model of the box).  Do I need to watch all these recordings or can the upgrade take place and the recordings remain?

    • Mr_K's avatar
      Knows their stuff

      Don't do it mate. It's a downgrade of a lot of functions, you'll regret it.

       It's a money saving upgrade for VM profits as they don't have to pay for Tivo features (have a read through the forum).  

    • newapollo's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      Hi khls5995

      As part of the migration to tv360  the hard drive is formatted. You therefore lose all of your recordings and series links.  It's best to take photos of series links so you can set them up again.  Hopefully any specific program recordings you need will either be repeated or available via on demand/catch up 

  • Thanks for the reply. Shame the email they have sent just takes me on a never ending loop where I can't do anything to upgrade 🙈. This alone makes me nervous so don't think I will bother with it just now!

    • BlueLou's avatar
      Virgin Media Staff

      Did you receive any emails when you submitted the upgrade request? 

      • jambo751's avatar
        Tuning in

        Hi, so after using the link, inputting my name and email it took me to the my VM app. With no clear steps next I went to the upgrade package icon(which never ever works btw) then got the oops can't help message. However a short while later I did get an weborder email confirmation.  Very very poor interface and not clear at what point I actually agreed to the upgrade. No reference to any t/cs, no info about tracking the order. Just overall a very poorly designed and executed process.