So you can't recover a deleted item, how antiquated is that in 2023. My TiVo would allow this. I was forced onto this 360 without a choice about 18 months ago and although I love the 'being able to rewind live TV back 3 hrs' compared to my TiVo 1 hour and being able to record 5 channels and watch a 6th (or record 6) compared to 3 on TiVo, apart from those 2 things there, there are 3 things I hate on this 360 box, really hate. I hate how it records multiple programmes from various channels when you set a series link, Gogglebox being a frustrating one at the moment and seemingly you can't stop it doing that, 2 - how it doesn't tell you when the show / recording first aired like my TiVo used to. It was handy to know if it was this years series or a repeat from a previous year (and that putting New isn't as good as that, the programme might not be new and you might want to just know when an old programme was first aired if you know it isn't this year) and 3 - what this topic is about, the aggravating can't recover an accidentally deleted recording, which I just did when my hand slipped on the remote and I pressed 'OK' to 'delete all recordings' I'd recorded of it and I don't want to watch it on Catch-Up as you can't forward / rewind decently if you need to or forward adverts either. I want my recordings back. Can't believe you can't do it.
Something else which TiVo nor this 360 box does which I know Sky does, which is extremely useful, in fact, crucial sometimes, which is telling you how many episodes there is in a series on your TV Guide, saying say 1 / 4 means that that episode is episode 1 out of 4 in total. Very handy that is on Sky. So you know how many episodes there are in the series. Please add Virgin Media.