Another new 360 user here. I hate it, absolutely hate it. Its not recording shows I have request to record, it deletes the programmes I have recorded 2 days after, before I get to watch them, and there is no option to keep re krdings on seperate boxes on their respective boxes, so no privacy at all for others in the house as we can now all see what others are recording and watching, even though 2 boxes are upstairs in seperate rooms and the other box is downstairs.
My pensioner mother who lives with us can't use it at all. She is in her late 80s, can't use apps, and can't see the options on the screen.... I struggle to even see the options on the screen.
"Upgrading" is the biggest mistake we've ever made, we've downgraded basically and getting charged an extortionate amount of money for it!
Virgin really need to re-think this pathetic equipment and give us back our more dependable, user friendly devices.