Hi. I have Sky Sports in my Virgin Media bundle and was hoping very much that I'll get SkySports+ automatically as my team in in the championship. From what I can gather - I should. I saw this on the Sky website: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=skysportsplus May 2024
Is Sky Sports Plus on Virgin?
Sky Sports+, the upcoming streaming-based expansion of Sky Sports, won't be limited to just Sky subscribers. We can now confirm that the newly announced service, set to launch in August 2024, will also be available to Virgin Media and EE TV customers who have access to Sky Sports through their respective platforms
I just wanted to pick up on your concerns about upgrading to a 360 box - I notice you mentioned various reported issues, including loss of all recordings. I had a 360 when they were first rolled out a few years ago (I now have 2) and apart from teething problems such as locating some functions which have moved, I've never had any issues at all.
There are one or two minor niggles that no longer seem to be available (such as investigate this show/cast list - which are not show-stopping, just irritating) but there are a number of new functions available.
As for losing all recordings - do you mean any you have on your old box(V6, TiVO?). Yes unfortunately you won't be able to keep/or transfer these over to the 360 ..... so watch them now! .... but I've never experienced a loss of anything recorded on my 360.
My partner has the old box and I have to say - mine is superior! (Obvs my opinion 🙂 )
Hope this post helps ............