Forum Discussion

Tom41's avatar
Up to speed
27 days ago

Pixelation on Disney+

I have been watching various content on Disney Plus through a 360 box. Occasionally, the picture will corrupt and pixelate. If I rewind, the corruption is always at the exact same point of the programme. 

If I play the same programme on my Fire TV stick, the corruption does not occur at any point. Therefore it must be something to do with the Virgin hardware or software. Other channels and services do not suffer from this issue. Are other people having this problem?

  • Tom41's avatar
    Up to speed

    I have noticed the pixelation mainly on the mini box (I don't watch the main box that much).

    • Molly_T's avatar
      Forum Team

      Thanks for getting back to us Tom41!

      If possible, please run a test for us when you next notice it happening. Head to your other TV box and see if the issue happens at the same time there too. 

      The mini-boxes don't have a hard-drive of their own, they use the one from the main box so we need to identify if the issue is with the box you are using itself, the box it's linked to, or the connection between the two. 

      Let us know how you get on 🤞 and we can take it from there! Thank you for your patience in the meantime. 🌞


  • Hi Tom41, 

    Thanks for taking the time to contact us via the Community. It's lovely having you on board with us in the Forums.

    We're sorry to hear you're having issues with pixellation on the Disney+ app. Checking things here, we can see you have 2 boxes. Are you having the same issue on both? If only one, can you let us know if it's the 360 or the 360 mini that you're noticing the issue on? This will ensure we're running the diagnostics on the correct box. 

    Many thanks,