Forum Discussion
Hi daznflo
Was the old Stream box powered off or just unplugged? If it was just unplugged then I wonder if this could related in a roundabout way to the following users problems.
A previous user had these problems after changing boxes. 'engineer came and swapped out both my V6 and 360 mini. It retained all the recordings, planned recordings and watchlists and still has the Subscribe issue. He thinks it is cloud related. So now I cannot watch any recordings'
'The issue is solved and all engineers have been updated about it. When a box is switched out it must be powered off first, if it is just unplugged the contents of the hard drive are saved to the cloud. When the new box is switched on the contents are then restored to the new box, this causes a glitch between the new box and the saved content and it asks for a the user to subscribe to watch recordings. As long as the box is switched off first it will not happen. The guys in the background managed to manually remove all my previous recordings, which could not be done via the box and I currently have no issues.'
There's a reason I'm making a possible connection even though the Stream box is for all purposes different to the 360, they both run on the Horizon platform. A couple of months ago my main 360 had to be swapped out for a new one. It was just unplugged and not powered off. I expected to loose all of my recordings and series links and watchlist. The new box actually retained my series links and watchlist. Sadly, as expected, it didn't retain the recordings from that box though even though the links were stored in the cloud.
Hi again daznflo
I've just remembered that some customers had 'stuck recordings' following box swaps and were able to delete them using the TVGo app. You could try opening the app and navigating to the page with the 'recordings' that won't delete, select 'Edit', tick the box and then select 'Delete' Using the TVGo app you might also be able to delete the watchlist if it's showing up there.
- daznflo5 months agoOn our wavelength
Thanks for the idea. Unfortunately the app keeps saying the box is offline line which it isn't so won't delete does play TV though
- newapollo5 months agoVery Insightful Person
Hi again daznflo
It's possible that the TVGo app is still paired to the Stream box and not the 360 box.
You can check this by going to Settings > Info > About > on the 360 box, then scroll down and compare the CA ID number displayed on the screen with the Smartcard ID number in Settings > Virgin TV Boxes on the TVGo app. (click on the head and shoulders icon to open settings)
If the numbers don't match then either uninstall the app and then reboot the device and install it again, or go into the app settings and clear the storage and cache, then reboot the device and sign in again.
- daznflo5 months agoOn our wavelength
Thanks for the info.
I've just checked and both numbers are the same except the 360 box is 21 8409 0881 97 and that tvgo app is the same but without the 97 on the end..
Does that make a difference??
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