Forum Discussion

wilber_force's avatar
2 months ago

Need a 360 remote so I can upgrade

I got the email to upgrade but the email mentioned the new handset that would be sent to me. Assuming I needed the new handset I have not actioned the upgrade. Looks like it is a wise move. I'm happy with my current box, whichever one it is, a V6 ok a TiVo box.

  • Do yourself a favour, avoid the 360 software, its a downgrade from the Tivo. Unable to recover deleted shows, doesn't work properly without a broadband connection (or hotspot connection) its a step backwards. I've had it for well over a year and i miss the Tivo and its user friendliness.

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Post moved to a new thread.

    If you've requested a conversion from TiVo/V6 > TV360, you'll first receive either the new remote (to convert a V6) or the physical new box (to replace a TiVo).

    For a V6 conversion, you'll have a few days or so to trigger the software migration yourself before it'll be automatically done for you.

    • wilber_force's avatar

      I've just read your post again. You said "Trigger the software migration yourself before it'll be automatically done for you."

      No. That needs to be stopped. I do not want this to happen.

      From others users experiences, I don't have any confidence of believe the new software is working properly. 

      • Daniel_Et's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi wilber_force, thank you for your posts.

        If you've not requested an upgrade to the TV 360 service, it won't happen automatically or by any other method.

        Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any further issues or queries.


    • wilber_force's avatar

      Thanks for moving the post. 

      The way I read the email was they were sending me a new remote to do the upgrade. It never I arrived so I didn't upgrade. 

      From what I've read, I'll stick with the setup I have. 
