You can't please everyone all the time, however I prefer the 360 to the V6 and tivo boxes.
You can scroll left and right on the the navigation menu.
To go straight to recordings - press MIC and say "Recordings"
You can press the back button on the 360 remote (above the volume keys) when watching a program using iPlayer, ITV X, Channel4 app, Disney+ etc to exit the program and not return to live TV.
To skip forwards/backwards 15 minutes in recordings - press MIC and say "go forward 15 minutes" or "go back 15 minutes". You can also say "fast forward 10 minutes" or whatever amount of time you want. To avoid adverts on streamed & on demand say "skip forward three minutes" or "fast forward 3 minutes"
The left and right arrow buttons either side of the OK button skip forward 30 seconds and back 10 seconds.
If you press the fast forward button above the '3' key, you have 4 speeds depending on how many times you press the button, when fast forwarding you can press the TV button to turn off the graphics, you can then press the play button to start watching.
When fast forwarding press TV button and that will switch off the fast forward arrows etc. For Stop press the back button or pause button, TV button also stops and puts you back to TV.
To play back in slow motion press pause then Fast Forward.
There are lot's of useful hints in getting the most out of your 360 on the following pages:-