360 Box - Plethora of Issues
I have been having ongoing issues for months and months with my main 360 box.
At least twice a week if not more I get one of the problems with Apps not working (App not accesible - CS2400) or Recordings not working, meaning I have to reboot to fix.
Also, I have to log in to iPlayer every single time I want to watch anything.
Occasionally when restarting the box it will get stuck on the Welcome screen. Sometimes for hours - last week I had to leave overnight and by the morning it was working. At that time i tried holding down Power and + buttons as suggested elsewhere but this did nothing.
Right now I get CS2400 for Netflix and Disney, but strangely iPlayer and Prime do work . Although I had to login to iPlayer, obviously!
I have done a factory reset at least twice. A couple of weeks ago I believe it must have also reset itself without me doing it as I lost all recordings.
I have checked all cables. There are no issues with internet at the time of the problems - the TV box is next to the virgin hub and connected properly. Diagnostics always says Good signal quality and High connection speed.
Surely this is a faulty box?