Landline number not ported
Hello, I switched my provider from Sky to Virgin on the 3rd January and have landline, TV and broadband package.
On installation I was surprised to hear that I would have a temporary phone number until my existing phone number was ported. The engineer said this would take 2 - 14 days however this was not communicated to me at all when I agreed to the package.
My phone number has still not ported. When phoning the number, it says this number is not recognised or it is unallocated. I run a business from home and my landline is used. It is on all my marketing materials and stationary and therefore I really need my previous number back and don't want it to be lost.
Please could someone look into this for me? I have tried calling but was told it was scheduled to go through on the 13th January, which has obviously not happened. Thank you