Why does it say Gigabit available but I can only get M350 speeds
- 12 months ago
Hi warring_god
Your second screenshot hasn't been approved by the forum system as it contains your IP address, you should redact the IP address and repost that picture.
As a forum VIP user I can though actually see that the image shows an upload speed of 55.84 and a download speed of 797.77 which are in line of what one would expect with a gigabit broadband connection.
If you perform a speedtest using https://samknows.com/realspeed/ it should confirm the tier you are on and the actual speed to the device you are testing.
The expected speed showing in your first picture appears to be the speed that a new customer joining VM can expect. This may be because VM have no more room to provide the higher speed tiers in your area at the moment, and are therefore only allowing new customers to currently sign up a lower speed which will help prevent current customers having a restricted connection.