Forum Discussion

Lee17's avatar
On our wavelength
25 days ago

Upload speed slow ,thinking of leaving

So for the few weeks , especially on a sunday my upload speed drops right down ,random packet loss starts.

The issues will sort it self come Monday morning,but then come weekend will come back,ive changed wires,done area tests ,router reset ,its getting beyond a joke now and im close to leaving Virgin,can anyone from virgin please help ?

  • Lee17's avatar
    On our wavelength

    Can a virgin rep help me with my issues ?

    • Lee17's avatar
      On our wavelength

      To see if theres something up with the line

      • Nathan_B's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi there Lee17 👋 Welcome to the forum and thanks for your post 😊

        Sorry to see that you're having issues with your upload speeds. I'll certainly be happy to run some checks on your account to help with this.

        I'll pop you a PM to confirm some details so this can be done.



  • Lee17's avatar
    On our wavelength

    The download speed is fine but the sudden tanking of my upload speed with the random packet loss ,is doing my head in , definitely want to get fttp,but have to wait until July for my contract to end

  • DerbyGig's avatar
    On our wavelength

    I recently moved to Zen full fibre via the city fibre network, 940 up and 940 down for 40 per month. So far so good been on since Nov last year and been very stable. I will add though I am probably the first customer on the new network so very little traffic but great upto now. On testing I am averaging 850 up and 900 down. I do think VM has become very congested and needs some major upgrades hence the inconsistent speeds in my opinion.

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    For speed issue claims it is important to include the expected upload rate and the actual figures as well as the VM subscription speed. 

    So it is back to you ... 

    Speed test the service to a Router mode Hub(3/4/5) + your device with the link below.

    Once the test begins click on: Run full test to include: Latency, Jitter, Packet loss & Upload speed

    If the Upload figures at the VM Hub are ok it is quite possible the uploading site is busy.

  • Lee17's avatar
    On our wavelength

    Yeah i am ,but my contract isnt up untill july 😢 

    • unisoft's avatar
      Knows their stuff

      Some ISPs will pay up to 6 months of a remaining contract (Broadband side only) if you switch. Some Altnets and EE, may be other Openreach based providers too...

  • carl_pearce's avatar
    Community elder

    If you are in a FTTP area (Openreach) or there are ALTNETs available I'd just leave.