New connection 8 days ago but has never worked
- 2 years ago
If you are using the Hub 5x, it will have a fibre optic connection on the back with a green plug at the bottom as per
There is also a Hub 5 model which just has a regular coaxial connector
for which the PON ID issue detailed below would not apply (if you have the Hub 5 model) as it works on a different system
This topic sounds similar to your own issue
You could log into the hub and see if you get the same network access not allowed info.
These topics below mention the PON ID being incorrect and preventing access
and requiring a back office change.
Welcome to Virgin Media! When (if) it works, it normally works well, but if you have to contact customer support it is often an unhappy experience getting a remedy.
Your failed activation should attract automatic compensation
Little consolation but, if you need to put in temporary measures while you wait, it will go some way to paying for some mobile data to bridge the gap if you decide you are going to stick it out.
One of the VM forum team will reply here within a few days. They may offer to help but will likely be doing no more than processing a request for more info on your behalf.