Forum Discussion

MickPower's avatar
Just joined
17 days ago

Does anyone know who to contact at VM

Does anyone know who to contact at Virgin to enquire about getting a green box moved from in front of a property due to renovation works?

Thanks in advanve

  • Hey MickPower, thank you for reaching out and I am sorry to hear about this green box issue.

    We normally put these boxes where we get permission from the local council, would this work damage the green box? 

    If you could put a photo here so we can get a better understand we can take it from there. Cheers 

  • goslow's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    If you are talking about a green cabinet out on the street ...

    You can make an enquiry here

    and you pay a non-refundable £240-ish fee to VM to do a survey and produce a quote for the work.

    Past topics on the subject have mostly gone to the archive now and can no longer be viewed but we have seen past examples of 3-figure sums quoted for simple tasks all the way up to 4 and 5-figure sums for bigger tasks.

    The last topic I can recall was this one about creating a dropped kerb

    Someone posted also this

    explaining the process (but dates from 2023 so current details may have changed since then).

    (New forum software only allows hyperlink text to be posted, not a functioning link)

  • -tony-'s avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    if your post is as it sounds then its not going to happen unless you have very deep pockets - would cost you £500 ish for someone to come and look and if they agreed which i doubt then all costs are down to you - 5 figures would be a guess.

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Could you post a couple of photos to make it clear if you asking for a street cabinet to be moved or a much smaller OMNI box to be removed or repositioned.