Forum Discussion

adelphiaUK's avatar
Up to speed
3 months ago

Upgrading my account under Black Friday

I am another of these customers trying to upgrade online under the Black Friday deals. I have now applied and completed all the steps twice, and for each occasion received the required pre-contractu...
  • newapollo's avatar
    3 months ago

    Hi Chris,

    It's been a long time since we last spoke on the forums. Hope you are well.

    I'm afraid you'll be in for a bit of wait for the upgrade to be processed.

    Once you've agreed to the terms and conditions  for any online renewals or regrades made through My Virgin Media or via an email offer that was sent to you, the orders go to a back office team who apply the deal. This can take up to 14 days to process and they'll send you an email confirming the change has been made. 

    As these offers are online exclusive, the Sales or Customer Services team won't have visibility of them so there's no point calling them up to chase the order or check the status.. 

    Once it's been 14 days, if the new contract hasn't been put in place, pop back and update this thread and a mamber of the forum team will be able check things further for you.